From the Head

Ask any member of our staff team why they come to school with a song in their heart, and the answer will invariably be: ‘the girls’.

Our girls are vibrant and exceptional with soul and warmth. They bring us joy every day. But ask the girls too and they will readily acknowledge that it is the special St C’s environment and the relationships they enjoy with the staff that are the cornerstone of their success here.

This is an environment where there are no boundaries, no stereotypes impeding our girls’ path. As they pass on to a dizzying array of senior schools (always the right fit for them), they take with them the dispositions that will fit them for success in their future careers: compassion, the power of intelligent discourse, work ethic, resilience.

These qualities do not arise by magic. The school has high expectations for the girls in terms of achievement and self-regulation. These expectations are nurtured by exceptional pastoral education and a school which listens to, and cherishes, our pupils’ voice.

Please come and visit, revel in the warmth of our school community where you will see the St Christopher’s principles of kindness, curiosity and creativity writ large.

Mark Maddocks