

We teach English to learn about ourselves and others. From Reception to Year 6, English is about nurturing a love of language and of stories. It enables communication, helping the girls to make sense of the world.

The English curriculum at St Christopher’s is rich, diverse and designed to capture the imagination of the girls and provide them with a foundation of learning both for their time at the school and beyond.

English is a fluid and ever-changing language and so we are continually looking at what we teach and the way we teach. We work collaboratively across and within year groups to refine the teaching and learning. Whether it is building the foundations of literacy with phonics in Reception to Year 2, or refining language analysis and creative writing in Years 5 and 6 in preparation for the 11+. We refer to English as a core subject because it is at the heart of all that we do. Enabled to express themselves clearly, girls can craft compelling narratives and clear arguments to support their thinking in all subjects.

We aim to instil a deep love of reading that will last a lifetime. Some of our favourite books are listed below:


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6



"English is a fluid and ever-changing language [...] it is at the heart of all we do"
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English in numbers

Did you know Did you

We have 11,310 books in our library

We have works by 8002 authors

Did you know Did you

Every girl in school wrote a poem for our 140th anniversary

Year 4 are our biggest bookworms - 862 books borrowed this year