We inspire girls to be forever curious;
an enduring desire to explore, learn
and grow that is the foundation for a
meaningful and fulfilled life.

When creativity meets curiosity, imagination takes flight. Paper cups become telephones, or space buggies or owls. Problems become opportunities to find new solutions, success becomes the spur to seek out the next challenge.
Our pupils love learning, our teachers love teaching, and learning too, from the girls they teach. We are never too young to start asking ‘why’ and never too old to keep on asking. Our pupils learn early on that there are some questions that simply don’t have an answer, possibly never will. It doesn’t stop them continuing to look for one!
The first thing visitors to St Christopher’s comment on is the energy; it is almost palpable, it fizzes and bubbles and frequently erupts into bursts of song or laughter, or shrieks of delight. The word bored does not exist in our language.
Not every child is an extrovert. Our assessment process is designed to allow quieter children the chance to shine, and throughout their time at St Christopher’s they are supported by our highly individualised curriculum to ensure that their contributions are heard and recognised. We value the opinions of all our pupils, not just the ones who are first with their hands up to share them.